Create invoice returning code 2, the request passed is not valid.

Create invoice returning code 2, the request passed is not valid.


I've successfully create contacts and sales orders, but have not been able to create an invoice via the API.
I tried different combinations but the error is always the same.. 

My request is as follows:
  1. {
  2.     "adjustment": 0,
  3.     "adjustment_description": "Adjustment",
  4.     "currency": "USD",
  5.     "currency_id": "551422000000000097",
  6.     "customer_id": "551422000000059003",
  7.     "date": "2017-02-09",
  8.     "discount": 0,
  9.     "discount_type": "entity_level",
  10.     "exchange_rate": 1,
  11.     "invoice_number": "INV-000004",
  12.     "is_inclusive_tax": false,
  13.     "line_items": [
  14.         {
  15.             "description": "laptop description",
  16.             "discount": 0.0,
  17.             "item_id": "551422000000057007",
  18.             "item_order": 0,
  19.             "quantity": 2.0,
  20.             "rate": 122.0,
  21.             "tax_id": "551422000000059015",
  22.             "unit": "qty"
  23.         }
  24.     ],
  25.     "notes": "Thanks for your business.",
  26.     "payment_options": {
  27.         "payment_gateways": [
  28.             {
  29.                 "": "authorize_net"
  30.             }
  31.         ]
  32.     },
  33.     "payment_terms": 30,
  34.     "payment_terms_label": "Net 30",
  35.     "salesorder_id": "551422000000059039",
  36.     "salesperson_name": "Lara",
  37.     "shipping_charge": 7,
  38.     "terms": "Terms"
  39. }