Create Item | purchase_rate is always ignored

Create Item | purchase_rate is always ignored


I am encountering an issue when using the Create Item API in Zoho Inventory. Specifically, when I attempt to create an item using the following endpoint:


{ "group_id": "99999999999999999", "name": "Item Name", "sku": "012345", "ean": 9999999999999999, "attribute_name1": "Size", "attribute_option_name1": "Big", "rate": 80, "purchase_rate": 70, "unit": "pcs", "status": "active", "group_name": "Group Name" }

Issue Details:

While the item is successfully created and assigned to the correct item group (using the group_id and group_name fields), the purchase_rate field is being ignored, and the item is created with a purchase_rate of 0.00.

Interestingly, when I create items using the itemgroups endpoint (where I build the payload with all the respective items inside the items key), the purchase_rate is correctly applied and reflected.

Expected Behavior:

The purchase_rate should be correctly applied when creating an item via the Create Item endpoint, just as it is when using the itemgroups endpoint.

Request for Assistance:

Could you please help me understand why the purchase_rate is being ignored when using the Create Item endpoint? Is there a specific field or additional configuration that I need to include in the payload to ensure the purchase_rate is correctly set?

I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue.

Thank you for your support.

Best regards