Creating a Task with Custom Fields via Deluge Function

Creating a Task with Custom Fields via Deluge Function

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a task in Connect via a custom function I wrote as part of a Flow. The function works perfectly to create the task according to the documentation here:
I am using invokeurl.

I have some custom fields in my boards (just text fields for now) and would like to fill the fields when the task is being created, but I can't figure out how. All of the forums I've found are using json arrays, which have unsupported characters for a webhook. Is there a way to do this in a custom function like mine below? I have a custom field called "Participant ID" that I wold like to add. This is my working function:

  1. void hl_connect_create_task(string inputBoardId, string inputTaskTitle, string inputsectionId, date inputstartTime)
  2. {
  3. // Create a map that holds the values of the task info that needs to be created
  4. headerdata = Map();
  5. headerdata.put("Authorization","Zoho-oauthtoken d92d401c803988c5cb849d0b4215f52");
  6. scopeID = "scopeID=<myscopeid>";
  7. boardId = "&boardId=" + inputBoardId;
  8. titlespaces = inputTaskTitle.replaceAll(" ","%20");
  9. title = "&title=" + titlespaces;
  10. sectionId = "&sectionId=" + inputsectionId;
  11. duedate = "&eyear=" + inputstartTime.getYear() + "&emonth=" + inputstartTime.getMonth() + "&edate=" + inputstartTime.getDay();
  12. priority = "&priority=High";
  13. position = "&position=7";
  14. urltogether = "" + scopeID + boardId + title + priority + sectionId + duedate + position;
  15. res = invokeurl
  16. [
  17. url :urltogether
  18. type :POST
  19. headers:headerdata
  20. connection:"<myconnectionname>"
  21. ];
  22. info res;
  23. }

Thank you for your help!