Creating tasks cross-project on mobile app (needs to be easier for fast creating tasks cross-project (too many steps currently)

Creating tasks cross-project on mobile app (needs to be easier for fast creating tasks cross-project (too many steps currently)


When creating new tasks on the mobile app, it would be really handy to be able to create a task (when being in another project) for another project, so the Project (and it's Tasklines) would need to be selectable.

The flow would be in that case : 
> having mobile app open in a certain project
> create a new task (+)
> input Subjectd of task
> field with current Projectname visible and selectable (dropdown) => being able to select different Project
> if select another project => see dropdown-list of Tasklines from selected Project
> if stay i current project => see dropdown-list of Tasklines from current Project working in
> Task is created in select (or current) Project under correct Taskline in current (or differently selected Project)

The point is that when being mobile making tasks or notes needs to go fast (eg. in meeting, on road, etc). If we cannot create a task and select a different project from same screen where we create new tasks, we everytime need to go out of the task-creation screen, go to Projects, select another project, go into tasks, and then we can create a task on that project.... Which is really time- & action-steps-consuming (and really not efficient).

This would really make the UX (user experience) a lot beter on creating tasks cross-project.

Could this maybe be implemented in the future?


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