CRM / Products / Inventory / Items.... WTF?

CRM / Products / Inventory / Items.... WTF?

Trying to determine HOW to use the 800 zoho modules and over-lapping apps to manage our business.

We have a products list in CRM. We would like to use Analytics to report on which products are selling, where. We have integrated CRM with Analytics and Inventory.

So far we can not determine any reporting on CRM products, other than a list of products. We have connected DEALS, still can't find ways to report on product sales. We have now connected Inventory.

Inventory has item categories and items / CRM has product categories and products. Are these the same?  All the DEAL information we have in CRM (product sales) are not showing in Inventory sales?

Zoho is fantastic. However it seems you have an ARMY of coders that just keeping piling on more and more modules, interactions and "connected" apps... further making it impossible to understand WHAT is actually needed and how to configure it. Sorry to be pissy about this, but we have been trying for 11 months to successfully connect ANYTHING to CRM and be able to use proper analytics and reporting. 

Inventory item Groups = Product categories?
Inventory items = products?
Any ideas why Inventory sales are not pulling from CRM Deals?

Thanking you.