CRM Task assignment, missed chats

CRM Task assignment, missed chats

Our Livedesk is integrated with Zoho CRM. Overall we are very pleased with the product.

When no agents are able to answer a chat, the missed chat is tracked in CRM and a "missed livedesk chat - follow up" task is assigned.

Currently all tasks for missed chats are assigned to the Livedesk administrator. Would it be possible to assign the follow up task to the agent (if the option to choose agent is available) who did not answer?
Or maybe choose a "responsible agent" for all chat embeds?

As administrator it is quite annoying to have all missed chats assigned.....

/Bo Thygesen

PS: A suggestion: Implement the option to send a standard email to chat users after A) a chat session and B) when agents are not able to attend the chat.