CRO hack #11: A checklist for crafting a high converting website poll

CRO hack #11: A checklist for crafting a high converting website poll

Running an on-site poll is an excellent way of learning exactly what your visitors expect when they browse your website—you're essentially creating a direct communication link between the two of you. 

Here's a checklist you can refer to while designing your next website poll to increase submissions:
  • Try to keep the survey a short as possible. 
  • Use conditional logic to show/hide questions based on the visitors' responses. This way your poll is only as long as it needs to be.
  • Never ask a question that you can easily find an answer to.
  • Try to use multiple-choice type questions instead of open-ended ones. It encourages the visitor to answer objectively. 
  • Respect visitor's privacy. Offer them an option to submit their answer anonymously, and inform them about how you are going to use the data that they've shared. A transparent privacy policy builds brand trust.
  • Offer an incentive to fill out the survey. Coupons, discounts, and gift cards act as good motivators.
  • Use a non-intrusive layout that complements the design of the page on which you'll be running the survey. Jarring visuals can be a turn-off even for the most enthusiastic visitor.
