Custom Creator App continually breaking

Custom Creator App continually breaking

Our ZOHO Developer created a ZOHO creator app that my field techs use every day. It has become an integral tool to dispatch my Field Techs and provide Customer Information, GPS, Crew Data, Time keeping, Sales Orders etc.. It would seem that anytime there is an update to the Creator App by ZOHO Central, the App breaks and I am left with a serious operational problem. Are we the only company that is experiencing this problem? Does ZOHO now have recommendations on what type of tablet works best with the creator app? Could ZOHO be more transparent with their updates to apps so I can be prepared for a problem? I would like to be able to uninstall an update to test for functionality. My developer says that is very difficult to troubleshoot these problems as there is limited information in the logs when an error is reported on the tablets. This problem is serious and takes up so much time and money that I am second guessing our decision to utilize creator for such an integral task.