Custom Function: How to update a custom field in purchase orders with warehouse information

Custom Function: How to update a custom field in purchase orders with warehouse information

Hi, I am new to custom functions but have managed to write into custom fields based on certain criteria when purchase orders are edited/changed. My problem is how to access (get) the warehouse name after I have retrieved the warehouse_ID from the purchase order. It looks like I have a data type problem or just don't have enough experience. Here is my code (with missing statements).

POID = purchaseorder.get("purchaseorder_id");
POdate = purchaseorder.get("date").toDate();
ORGID = organization.get("organization_id");
wh = "";
WhID = zoho.inventory.getRecords("puchaseOrders",ORGID,"warehouse_id");
wh = WhID.toString(); /* This is just for testing if I have a valid warehouseID */
/* What is the datatype of warehouseID??*/
/* Here n eeds to be a "getRecordsbyID function?? like:
wh = zoho.inventory.getRecordsByID("warehouses",ORGID,WhID); How do I get the "warehouse_name" content? */
CustomFields = List();
CustomField = Map();
CustomField.put("label","Project"); /*This is the field I want to update)
json = Map();
result = zoho.inventory.updateRecord("purchaseOrders",ORGID,POID,json);

So far my result in the custom field "project" is:
which might be the warehouse_ID??

Can anybody help fill in the blanks? Again, I would like to see the warehouse name in the custom field "Project".
Thanks so much (and stay safe these days)!