Customization Settings not implementing correctly (BACKGROUND CHOICE HOVER and FONT CHOICE TEXT / HOVER do not work on standard Drop-Boxes)

Customization Settings not implementing correctly (BACKGROUND CHOICE HOVER and FONT CHOICE TEXT / HOVER do not work on standard Drop-Boxes)

While working through the customization features for general templates i have noticed several customization do not fuction correctly.

For example: 

BACKGROUND - CHOICE HOVER and FONT - CHOICE TEXT / HOVER appear to work for dropboxes within the Demographic element (ie:country) but do not apply/work to standard Drop-Boxes

It sure would be nice if I could get all elements of the form using the same styles!

## FOLLOW UP NOTE: I have noticed that the BACKGROUND CHOICE HOVER and FONT CHOICE TEXT / HOVER seem to work ok on radio buttons (single option only)... but they can not be set separately to the drop boxes... all "selectable" elements are controlled by the same styling.

Can I ask... why would someone want to change the BG color of a radio button on hover event? Font colour yes, BG color... not in my experience. 

Bundling all select type elements (checkboxes, drop boxes, radio buttons, multiselect lists) into the same style category creates visual conflicts.... and in many cases limits the author to use only one TYPE of select element for the entire form... I don't believe this is best practice at all.

*** THEREFORE I would like to strongly suggest that it would be best if the editor allowed for specific styling of each TYPE of FORM element.

NOTE: I have been testing styles in both IE and Chrome for comparison.