I have a very strange problem with Zoho data API via curl.
I have a database called Monitoring which contains a Table called Test with two columns (ID, Value).
If I try to add an element via curl with the command
- curl -d "ZOHO_ACTION=ADDROW&ZOHO_OUTPUT_FORMAT=JSON&ZOHO_ERROR_FORMAT=JSON&ZOHO_API_VERSION=1.0&authtoken=<my token>&ID=2&Value=3"<my e-mail>/Monitoring/Test
I always obtain the answer
- {
- "response":{
- "action":"ADDROW",
- "error":{
- "code":8518,
- "message":"You need to (re)login to perform this operation"
- }
- }
- }
The strange thing is that if I try to use the
same authtoken with ZohoUploadTool it works.
I've tryed to generate a new authtoken calling via browser the URL
but nothing change.
I'm going to be crazy with this behaviour.
Can someone help me please?