Date-based Workflow After Date is Updated

Date-based Workflow After Date is Updated


If I have a date-based workflow, and the date is updated after initial trigger, does (or can) the workflow be triggered again?


Each piece of equipment has three important dates:

Last Maintenance Date:
Maintenance Interval in Days:
Next Maintenance Due:

Once maintenance is performed the Last Maintenance Date is updated automatically, and the Next Maintenance Date is automatically calculated based on the Maintenance Interval in Days.

So I am having the Work Order for Maintenance Automatically created (via Create Record) based on Next Maintenance Date.

Challenge:  I think the workflow, once triggered once, does not trigger again based on the new Due date.  I do see that we can set it to recur at certain invervals (every month, every year), but that isn't based on the date...just on the last trigger - which isn't what we're looking for.

Thoughts? Workarounds?