The Blog template intentionally puts a dead end button at the bottom for "Get Started Now". The button opens a blank page. The button cannot be edited because "the template is used by ALL Sites". At least that was what I was told yesterday after an hour of a tech support call.
I have gone through many tech support email threads and have done an hour of a tech support call. Actually, it as only 45 minutes because our scheduled meeting did not start on time!
I was basically told that I have to insert a button into the Blog post and configure it to navigate as desired on every blog post. Once the button is inserted, the dead-end button goes away. The whole point of a template is to have standard solutions that accurately works across all uses. The opportunity for doing the button wrong increases every time a new blog post is created.
The net result of the call was "Yep, that is the way it works and there is nothing we are going to do about it. We will consider a solution as part of our next release."
Here is the IMMEDIATE solution that should happen TODAY. Delete the dead-end button from the template that all Sites users are using. There is absolutely no reason to intentionally put a dead-end button that cannot be edited into every user's Site. NONE.
The next release needs a Blog-Footer that is in the Blog Preferences that can:
- An option to turn it on/off
- If on, it appears above the Site's Footer
- Padding control for top, bottom, left, right. Default is 20 top/bottom and 0 for L/R
- Able to select the number of columns from 1 - 5.
- The ability to adjust the size of the columns by dragging the gutter divider
- The ability to control the color and border of each column
- Able to put text, buttons, images, icons, etc into any of the columns
- On a Blog Post, be able to turn off the Blog-Footer for that specific Post