Default display settings for Timesheet

Default display settings for Timesheet

It is not very useful for the display to constantly reset to ALL timesheet entries when you click on the TIMESHEET tab within Zoho Invoice, after you've entered a specific Project. 

Rarely do I and I think most users need to see entries from a long long time ago displaying there!  It would be helpful to allow the user to set the default display in whatever timeframe they prefer, and in DESCENDING order, versus asceneding. 

For example I would like that screen to immediately show me THIS MONTH in ascending order (not descending order) to determine if time is being entered or was missed in recent history. 

It is also very annoying when I select THIS MONTH, go to edit an entry and after finishing that, it returns me back to an ALL timesheet display, versus remembering where that I was on THIS MONTH. Then I am starting at time entries from two years ago again. 

This makes timesheet edits and review time-consuming.  

Can anyone please fix this?