Deluge and Javascript/Node.JS code examples (and others?) should be added to the API docs instead of just CURL

Deluge and Javascript/Node.JS code examples (and others?) should be added to the API docs instead of just CURL


While I realize that it's not rocket science to convert from CURL, it would undoubtedly save a lot of time if the code examples for Zoho's own app API documentation also included examples for both Deluge (which I'm kinda surprised isn't there,) and Javascript/Node.JS (and certainly others as well... those just happen to be the two I generally have found myself wishing were there).

And with specific regard to Deluge, I would also think this would only serve to make scripting in it more approachable for anyone who's just starting out, and much less likely that a simple/overlooked syntax error by even a seasoned programmer would be the potential cause of an issue.
