Design your presentation and interact with your audience in one platform.

Design your presentation and interact with your audience in one platform.

Explore a smarter way to deliver your presentations with the ShowTime plug-in for Microsoft PowerPoint. Currently available only for Windows.


Using this plug-in, you can launch ShowTime right from within PowerPoint. While you might be used to presenting offline, this plug-in lets you deliver presentations online and connect with your audience during the session.

Exclusive features for a presenter:

  • The ShowTime plug-in is free.
  • Up to 300 audiences can be connected.
  • View the audience engagement level.
  • Note the number of likes received per slide.
  • Your audience can interact with you by asking questions through their mobile devices or laptops.
  • Measure your performance through analytics with the number of likes, questions asked, and audience engagement level.
  • View your completed talks for a particular session.

Presenting made easy

Create, edit, interact, and deliver your presentation from one platform. You do not need multiple applications to edit and present . Make your presentation more engaging and interactive using the ShowTime plug-in.


Begin Interacting

After you install the plug-in, open MS PowerPoint and sync your presentation to start delivering. All your synced presentations will appear in your web ShowTime account. Share the audience key so your audience can connect to your presentation.


Track your audience engagement level

At any moment of your presentation you can view the current audience engagement level. See how many people are connected to, and connecting with, your presentation.


Launch dual screens

The plug-in comes with an enhanced presenter view. This means you have dual screens that gives you an extended version of your presentation. This includes slide notes, a view of the next slide , and other interactive tools.


Measure your performance

With the help of audience likes, comments, ratings and feedback you know where you stand in terms of presentation performance. You can choose whether to display the questions raised by your audience on a given slide, or save them to answer later.


Exhibit your talent

Generate a presenter resume with ShowTime. List all your completed talks along with audience feedback and other analytics. Link your social media sites to your ShowTime profile so your audience can stay connected to you.

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