Desktop Sync on Mac OS X not functional

Desktop Sync on Mac OS X not functional

I recently migrated our business from Dropbox to Zoho Workdrive. After all of the file copies were complete, I chose Selective sync and attempted to unsync a folder that I no longer needed on my desktop. The Workdrive app appeared to lock up, but I left it overnight. Today when I came into work, I noticed there was no toolbar icon for Workdrive in Mac OS X.

I checked Activity Monitor in OS X and can see the process for Workdrive is active.
I reset my computer
The icon never appears-- I can still see the active process in Activity Monitor-- Force quitting this process doesn't help.
I created a folder on the desktop, and one on the web (I can successfully sign in on the web without issue)
Neither of those changes are syncing
I re-downloaded the Workdrive Desktop Sync installer and attempted to perform a re-install.
There were no errors, but the toolbar icon never appeared.
I reset my computer after the attempting reinstallation and the icon still won't appear.

There is no uninstall option for the Workdrive Desktop Sync, so I am not sure how to troubleshoot further.
As of right now, I cannot sync anything from Workdrive on my computer to Workdrive on the web.