Displaying private views on website

Displaying private views on website

Hi. My issue is basically data sharing versus security. I have my data in a Zoho Creator database. The whole database is private and must remain private. I have a website where users can log in. On this website I would like to display some of my views from the Zoho Creator Database. I can do this with an iFrame and embed the view without a login prompt. My problem is now security. Currently anyone would be able to copy the code of the iFrame and embed the view on their own website. I need to prevent that. Maybe there is some way to embed the view without login and then have the API authenticate the view? Or maybe you have a better idea of doing this? As users pay to have access to my data, I obviously would not want them to be able to embed the view in their own website. Can you think of a way of getting around this problem? Please provide me with an outline of your suggested solution, any experience in this area and a rough quote for the work. Duration, hours and rate per hour can be discussed. Kind regards, Anne

Budget : $75 per hour for 25hrs/week [1 month]

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