Do you know any zoho sheet professional, who I can hire?

Do you know any zoho sheet professional, who I can hire?

I am looking for any zoho professionals, who I could hire when I need to deal with my zoho apps. I think, many of us do not have time to learn everything about sheets, flow  etc but we are keen to learn as we go with ours needs for solutions. I need to find reliable and approved by zoho expert who do for me little job in sheets, books and flow. I am keen to learn from theirs job but I do not have time to looking for solutions for my problem wright now. 
do you know someone who can help?

maybe ZOHO could create theirs own portal approved experts or it is already somewhere there, where  you can hire someone. something like this forum where people post what they need to be done and other who wants to be hired and do the job will send the fee and time required for them to accomplish it. 

is anybody there who want challenge and help me wright now?

so below there is my little projects, this will be part of something a bit bigger, it will be base for the flow which will be creating customer account in zoho books and also create draft invoice from submitted information from forms.
it is kind of dashboard, I think doing it in sheet I avoid crm which at this moment is to expensive for my tiny business and what I would use would not justify the fee. so I figured out sheet can do the job at this moment. 

so I need simple dashboard in sheets , with four entries: starting date, end date, break date, and the fee. lest focus on the element which I know may be the most tricky,

I need to create 5 columns for Monday, Tuesday etc,

next in the column Monday I would like to list all dates of the Monday between start and end day - have this process automated,

next to each date I would like to have tick box (can be any other form of controlling ), one of this tick box would be without the tick, this willl be the date which fallen in the the break week. also I would like to tick off any other date which i may need.

than I would like the amount of the active tick was calculated and summed in the cell below.

the rest of the sheet design would be very simply just calculating total fee according to the fee entry and amount of weeks. 
please let me know if you can help

thank you for any support
kind regards Marta

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