Don't miss our #WednesdayWisdom tips

Don't miss our #WednesdayWisdom tips

Have you been following us on LinkedIn and Twitter?
If you have been, thank you for being a part of our community. If you aren't yet, we'd love to add you to our growing community of temp staffing professionals.
This year has certainly been challenging for businesses around the world. We know it's difficult to stay afloat during these uncertain days.
For temp staffing agents managing temporary employees during the ongoing pandemic, we've created a small token of appreciation from the Zoho Workerly team to yours.

Introducing Workerly Quick Hacks– tips to make you a pro in the game of temp staffing.

We'll be releasing them every Wednesday on our social channels.
Follow us to see the hacks as soon as we post them:
You can re-share and retweet with hashtag #WednesdayWisdom, and add your own commentary and experiences to help others in the industry.
Let's spread the wisdom of temp staffing with Zoho Workerly.

Happy Scheduling!
Team Zoho Workerly