Download Link Permissions

Download Link Permissions

Is it possible to set download link permissions for a folder in Workdrive?

My use case is as follows. I want to use a Workdrive folder as a "hot folder" where users can save certain PDF files to be parsed. A Zoho Flow automation is triggered when a new document is saved to that folder, which makes an API call to the parsing service (, which then returns the parsed data for further use in automations.

The problem is that while the hot folder's permissions are set for "Everyone on the Internet" to be able to view, this setting apparently doesn't apply to the download link for the file. This is the link I need to provide to the parsing service to get the document to be parsed.

Here is the value for "download url" from the Workdrive response in Zoho Flow: 

Anyone who isn't logged into our Zoho account gets a 401 Unauthorized error when attempting to use this, which is obviously problematic for the parsing service.

From the same Workdrive response, the "permalink" value for the same file works for all users, but it's within a Zoho Workdrive wrapper, so the file is not useable in this way:

I need to find a way to either make the download link openly available or to otherwise make the file available to the parsing service without manual intervention. 

Any thoughts?