Drive-up sales by managing your contacts right inside SalesIQ

Drive-up sales by managing your contacts right inside SalesIQ

Zoho SalesIQ now lets you segment your contacts from your visitors and store them in the contacts module. This eliminates the need for external customer data management tools and makes SalesIQ a complete stand-alone app that can identify and store the visitors' data. 
The contacts page gives you a detailed view of all the information about the contact, such as the Number of visits, Visit source, etc. These details can be used to analyze the customers and perform follow up with them. 

Who are Contacts?

The visitors who have provided their contact information such as email and phone number for follow-up will be considered contacts.

How to perform follow-up from the contact module?

The contact modules help you easily identify the potential customers from the junk and random visitors. The main advantage of the contacts module is the ability to perform follow-up.
  • Email : You can easily create a follow-up email by clicking the email icon on the top right corner of the contacts window. Draft your mail in the pop-up window and click send. 
  • Phone : If you have the telephony integration enabled, you can ring up the visitor if they have left their phone number by clicking on the Phone icon on the top right corner of the contact window. 

How to filter contacts based on your business requirements?

Further filter visitors Based on various criteria using the custom view option. The view option allows you to categorize visitors based on various criteria and rules to achieve better sales. 

To add a custom filter:
  • In the SalesIQ dashboard, navigate to People > Contacts, click on the Views icon on the top right corner of the left-hand side menu.
  • Add your desired rules from the various criteria available, give your view a name and click Save. 
  • To select the added view, click on view name to open up the drop-down and scroll down to select the view.
For example: 
Using these filters, you can segment your customers into various categories like Gold, Silver, Platinum, etc. Based on their possibilities of striking a deal, lead score, or their Zoho CRM data.

Quick tips:

  • You can use integrations like Cearbit Reveal, Leadberry to enrich the data of the contact.
  • Use custom widgets to perform custom actions like pushing the visitor's information to your application, etc. 
  • Export the contacts to perform further analysis. 
For more details, check out our help guide  here
