Dynamic Display Remote Settings & Contacts and Companies Modules Split - Bigin - iOS and macOS

Dynamic Display Remote Settings & Contacts and Companies Modules Split - Bigin - iOS and macOS

Hello Everyone!

In the most recent iOS (v1.8.10) and macOS (v1.6.9) updates of the Bigin app, we have included support for a list of functionalities.

Here are those:

Dynamic Display Remote Settings:

Your Dynamic Display customisations now effortlessly sync across every device once you're signed in with the same account. Now, whether you're signing out and back in or accessing from another device, your personalised 'Dynamic Display' setup remains intact.

Contacts and Companies Modules split:  

Earlier, the Companies module was integrated into the Contacts module as a tab within the layout. However, now we have separated the Companies module, giving it its own module. Please refer to the screenshot depicted below: 

Directly download other Zoho Mobile app from the Bigin mobile app:

Bigin now offers a convenient gateway to download other Zoho mobile apps. You can find the same by going on to the 'Help & Support' section available within the Settings module and select 'Explore' option available within the 'More Zoho Apps' section.


To get your hands on these features, please update the app to its latest version by accessing the link given below:

Bigin mobile app - App Store 

Should you need any assistance with the app, please write to us at bigin@zohomobile.com or submit a feedback from within the app (Steps: Bigin app Settings > Help & Support > Submit Feedback), and we will get right back to you.

Good day!