The text that can customize or change is termed as "Dynamic
Text" in SalesIQ. As the word implies this text will be dynamic
from one visitor to the other, when we store the canned
message/welcome message/embed automated message/send automated chat
invite wouldn’t it be great if we can display the same automated
message but give a personalized experience to each visitor. Yes, today
we are going to see about the use of Dynamic Text in SalesIQ automated
Click to view the List of Dynamic Text and their Description
In SalesIQ, the Dynamic text feature can be used in 4
different places:
The canned message is used to store the frequently typing
text to save the user time and improve the chat quality. How to
change the canned message more unique to each visitor? Use the
dynamic text in the stored canned message, which can show the same
message dynamically to different visitors.
Let me explain you with an example of how I use the
Dynamic text in the canned message.
I would want to store a greeting message for the Zylker
website visitors. So I am creating a Greeting message in the Canned
Message -> Add. Here I would like to wish the visitors using the
time period of their visit. Storing the message as "Good
Morning" will be inappropriate here, because what if the
visitor visit during the evening. So I am using “ %smart.timenow%”
dynamic text along with the greeting message, which will greet the
visitor calculating the time period in the sequence of the day.
Now, when the visitor visits your website afternoon, then
the stored canned message suggestion appear when # is typed shows
the Greeting as "Good Afternoon". The time period is
calculated based on the time and the message will be customized accordingly.
How to use Dynamic Text in the Welcome Message?
We are aware of the welcome message that we set to invite
the visitor who initiates the chat. We can set a welcome message,
which will be displayed to all visitors irrespective of the user
whosoever attends the chat. Now you can also use the dynamic text in
the welcome message, which can provide a unique experience to each
I would like to display a welcome message to all the
visitors who initiates the chat. But the username that attends the
chat should differ for each user in the welcome message. So, I use
the dynamic text in the welcome message.
When the chat is initiated by the visitor, the welcome
message with the name of the User who attends the chat will be
displayed to the visitor.
In the Settings - > Web embed -> Configure Message,
the messages you would like to display during each action can be
configured. For example, if you wish to display a waiting message in
the screen, then the message can be configured in the waiting option.
Similarly, each option like User Busy, User Offline, etc., can be
configured. Here you can also use the dynamic text to customize your
message to the different type of visitor.
Now I would like to display thank you message to the
visitors attaching the attender's Email Id for reference. So in
Thank you option, I configure the message as “ Thank You for
contacting us!!! If you have any further query, feel free to contact
me on" This message will be customized
from one user to the other, the Email ID of the User who attends the
chat will be displayed along with thank you message.
When the chat is ended, the visitor will receive thank you
message with the user email address who attends the chat.
You can also use the dynamic text in the JSAPI to
customize the system message displayed. Learn More
You can also use the dynamic text in the Automation ->
Intelligent triggers -> send chat Invite.
I would like to send a chat invite to the website visitors
in 10 seconds of their visit to extend a proactive help to the
visitors. So I set the intelligent trigger as When the visitor
Accesses any page on my website and if visitor type is equal to all,
then send chat invite from Zylker with message “ Hello (visitor
name)|there!! Welcome to Zylker. May I help you?” in 5 seconds.
Here the fall back option is used, if the visitor name is
tracked then the name will be displayed in the message. If the name is
not tracked then the "there" text will replace the name.
In the below-mentioned Invite the name of the visitor is
tracked, so the name along with the message is displayed.
Here the visitor identity is not tracked, so the
"there" context replaced the name of the visitor.
Only a few examples are mentioned about the usage, the
dynamic text can be used virally based on your business needs.
Please visit our User Guide to learn more about
SalesIQ features.
Thank You,