Email statistics for better campaign management and effective session promotion

Email statistics for better campaign management and effective session promotion

Email marketing remains the most important channel to build brand awareness, attract customers, and convert prospects with the least time and effort. According to a report by Emarsys, 81% of SMBs still rely on email as their primary customer acquisition channel, while 80% rely on it for customer retention. 
An email campaign helps you carefully segment your content, reach out to participants individually, and personalize your messages to best connect with your audience. But with customers receiving hundreds of emails every day, how can you measure whether your email content is helping you increase session participation and build stronger relationship with learners?
Zoho Showtime now offers email statistics so you can track campaign metrics effectively and give your well-optimized emails an even better chance of meeting their objectives. 
Simply navigate to the Settings tab and click Email reminders and then the View reports button (at the right) to get a clear-cut summary and statistical data of your training emails sent from Showtime. These metrics are based on who (or how many) opened or clicked your emails and how many were not delivered at all. 


Open rates are a great way to measure the strength of your subject lines. It also gives you insight into how many attendees in your list are engaging with your content and interested in learning more about the training you offer. 
On the other hand, click rates are the percentage of people who click on a link (registration, download, or other) provided within your email. A high click rate is a good sign that your email campaign is relevant and that readers are taking action. 
Finally, bounce rates are issues that leave an email undelivered to a subscriber (such as a full inbox or a problem with the recipient’s server). A low bounce rate is a good indication of a high-quality mailing list and having more engaged subscribers.

Here are some other ways email metrics can be useful throughout your promotional cycle: 
  • Follow-up with your pre-registrants: Identify participants who missed viewing your emails or live training session and send them a link to watch on-demand. 
  • Reminders: Send short reminder emails up to 24 hours before your session to increase your attendance rates. 
  • Follow up with your attendees: Make attendees feel valued for watching your webinar and develop your connection with them by thanking them for attending the live event. 
We hope this feature will help you increase session participation, boost your relationship with trainees, and improve the brand value of your training organization. 
Feel free to write us with any further questions at

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