Emailed Chat Transcript Logos

Emailed Chat Transcript Logos

When our chat transcripts in SalesIQ are sent out to the person we chatted with, the email contains our logo at the bottom of the transcript email. No matter what, the logo appears very distorted and ugly. I've resized both our Company Logo and Favicon in our Company Settings of SalesIQ and still nothing helped. I also tried resizing the image in our Department Settings and still no help. 

SalesIQ Support says they have seen the issue and are fixing it, but it has been almost two weeks. 

My other issue is that when someone clicks the icon they are taken to the Zoho SalesIQ promotional webpage. (  Why would I want MY company logo to take MY user to Zoho SalesIQ???

I have searched all over trying to find a way to correct these two issues on my own, and as usual Zoho Support seems to turn support tickets we submit into frustrating situations. They are constantly asking for more screen shots after we submit 5 to 8 screen shots and a full description of every issue.

Then once you think you have them on the right track they take weeks to resolve the issue. Meanwhile my customers see the issues for weeks and it reflects poorly on our staff. 

Zoho what gives?????