Embedding video and pdf files into KB articles from Workdrive

Embedding video and pdf files into KB articles from Workdrive

Today, I've asked about a problem that we do have with embedding Youtube videos into KB articles. We were thinking of switching to Zoho's cloud sharing solution Workdrive since a long time and we did discuss this subject among our Tech Comm team one more time. We have some considerations about the switch to Workdrive and I want to list some of them in here. I also have asked some of them on the Workdrive community but I believe that the Desk support team should also look at them.

  1. Do you have the ability to play an embedded video file from Workdrive on the KB article page such as Youtube or Gdrive video files have?
  2. Do you have the options of automatically presenting the user with different levels of video file renderings for limited bandwidth scenarios such as Youtube does present their users?
  3. Workdrive has the ability to scan text based pdf files for search strings (At least the marketing lingo on Workdrive's main page suggests it). Will the Help Center subscribers also be able to search the contents of pdf files which are embedded/linked from Workdrive?