WFH Tip 10: Embrace the power of operator chat windows for efficient customer support

WFH Tip 10: Embrace the power of operator chat windows for efficient customer support

Having a fully-loaded, effective chat window is the key to providing positive and exceptional customer support which in turn reflects on your company's revenue. Zoho SalesIQ owns an equipped chat window that effectuates conversations between website visitors and operators in your organization and keeps your customer base intact. This post will talk about all the powerful tools that your operator can use during live chat sessions with your website visitors.

  • Real time, two-way translation: Chat translations in SalesIQ work both ways - customers can chat with operators in real-time in their own language, while your operator can respond back in theirs. Foreign languages are automatically detected in the operator's chat window and translation happens during the conversation. The real-time chat translation feature provides a single, cost-effective translation solution.

  • Canned Responses to save time: Quick responses during live chat are crucial for positive customer experience. Canned responses can come in handy during conversations to avoid delay and to save the time and effort spent on typing out the answers to repeated questions that come from visitors. They can be used while sending out greeting messages to visitors when they land on the site, to communicate offers and promotions, return policies, etc.

  • Multiple, organized chats in one window: Zoho SalesIQ lets your operators pick up and handle more than one chat at a time and all of these chats will be listed by visitor name or random ID(if the name is not entered) inside the operator chat window. They can handle one visitor's audio call while also handling chats from other visitors simultaneously and not miss out on any of them. Learn more.

  • Visitor information to keep operators well-informed: Operators will be able to view visitor information like company details, geographical location, browser and OS used, information from your integrated CRM, Clearbit and Leadberry accounts and Desk ticket details right inside their windows before they begin a conversation with the visitor. This information will let them connect with visitors based on their previous conversations and provide better follow-ups.

  • Loaded features for effective conversations: Chats with visitors can be made more appealing and effective with rich text like smileys and markdown text. These can help your operators liberate their language and also make your visitors feel at home.

  • They can also share files - text documents, PDFs, images, videos, etc. with visitors to give them a detailed view of the issue in question, help them understand the issue better and solve them accordingly. Learn more.
  • Audio calls at a click: To solve complicated visitor issues that might require long and monotonous conversations, operators can place audio calls with visitors. This way, you can cut down lengthy conversations while also adequately addressing the question.

  • Easy and quick collaboration with teams: During the course of a live chat conversation, operators can invite other operators in your organization to join the ongoing chat at the click of a button and work in unison. They can also transfer chats to other operators who might be experts in the department and can solve the issue better and quicker than themselves. Operators also have an internal chat window where they have the option of hosting chats with their peers to discuss solutions.

  • Remote sessions for enhanced communication and participation: Remote sessions in SalesIQ work in two ways - operators can initiate dynamic screen sharing sessions with visitors and show them how to solve an issue in real time while they can also request visitors to share their screen to understand their issue better and give more accurate solutions.

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