Just wanted to say I love the new Employee Engagement feature and I'm looking forward to seeing it built up and improved upon.
Right now, it's limited because you must schedule a (multiple) single questions from each category manually. It would be nice if Zoho operated more like the larger employee engagement SaaS products. Those products will send your employees a question from a category automatically on a predefined schedule - you don't have to choose the individual questions or schedule them yourself.
The idea is that users get different questions from distinct categories and over time you build up a profile of how your users feel about your company and areas to improve upon.
Zoho People's employee engagement feature, in its current form, is not usable for this. We would love to use this feature to get off another major EE SaaS platform, but we just can't yet due to the limitations and overall management overhead it would take. Will be following this feature closely for improvements.