Enhancement to the "Start Calls" permission in Zoho Cliq admin panel

Enhancement to the "Start Calls" permission in Zoho Cliq admin panel

Hello Organization Admins,
Greetings from Zoho Cliq.
We would like to inform you about an important upcoming change to the "Start Call" permission in the Live Media section of the Roles module in the admin panel.

What's Changing?
1. New location for "Start Call" permissions
We are relocating the "Audio Calls" and "Video Calls" permissions from the "Live Media" section to the "Direct Conversations" section within Roles. Additionally, we will introduce a "Screen share" control in the Direct Conversations section.
2. Updated functionality of the "Start Call" permission
Currently, in the Admin panel under Permissions > Roles, there is a "Start" permission for Audio Calls, Video Calls, and Screen share. Disabling this permission restricts both starting and receiving calls.
With the upcoming change, disabling this permission will only restrict users from starting a call. They will still be able to receive calls from individuals in allowed roles.
How does this impact you as an organization admin?
This enhancement will allow you to restrict Calls and Screen share with the same level of detail available for message-sending permissions. It provides more granular customization so you can fine-tune Zoho Cliq to match your workflows perfectly.
When will this change take effect?
We expect this change to be live by Sep 15th 2024.
Thank you for your attention, and we hope these enhancements will improve your experience with Zoho Cliq.

Best regards,
The Zoho Cliq Team

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