Error 4835 when posting title has .NET

Error 4835 when posting title has .NET

For some reason when posting with the title .NET in the API we are getting Error 4835.

All other API job post go through without any issues, so we know its on your end.

<row no="1">
<FL val="Posting Title"><![CDATA[Sr .NET Dev]]></FL>
<FL val="Industry"><![CDATA[Industry]]></FL>
<FL val="Date Opened">date</FL>
<FL val="Client Name">My company</FL>
<FL val="Account Manager">Co</FL>
<FL val="Job Type">category</FL>
<FL val="Job Opening Status">In-progress</FL>
<FL val="City">city</FL>
<FL val="State">state</FL>
<FL val="Zip Code">zip</FL>
<FL val="Country">United States</FL>
<FL val="Job Description"><![CDATA[description]]></FL>
<FL val="Publish">true</FL>
<FL val="Target Date">targetdate</FL>