I am trying to use the query to calculate the number of hours needed p/day based on the number of hours left on a job and the number of days until its due. This is just part of the total query I am writing
The problem I am having is that when I code to calculate the number of days left, instead of getting just a number it throws the word "days" into the cell - Code and Image below
So Now when I try to calculate the number of Hours remaining which is just a simple formula of (# of Hours Remaining / # of Days Remaining) I get a huge negative number - Image and code below
"Network" AS "JobNumber",
"EstStartDate" "Start Sate",
"EstEndDate" AS "End Date",
"Remaining Hours",
"EstEndDate" -current_date() AS "Remaining Days",
"Remaining Hours" / "EstEndDate" -current_date() AS "Hours p/Day",
"Budget Consumed Percent_Reference Only",
"PM Percent Complete",
"Kickoff Date",
"Dock Date",
(row_number() over()) AS "Auto Row"
FROM "Eagle_AllHoursReport"
WHERE "JobStatus" IN ( 'In Process' )
AND "EstEndDate" - current_date() >= 1
AND "Remaining Hours" > 1