Error code 6831 when trying to get time logs

Error code 6831 when trying to get time logs

Trying to use the API in Python. Passing this code:

rest_url = ''

headers = {'Authorization': 'Zoho-oauthtoken ' + access_token}
params = {'index': 3, 'range': 1, 'approval_status': 'all', 'users_list': '[USER_ID]', 'view_type': 'week',
          'date': '08-01-2020', 'bill_status': 'All', 'component_type': 'task'}
r = requests.get(rest_url + '[PORTAL_ID]/logs', headers=headers)

Results in the following error
{'error': {'code': 6831, 'message': 'Input Parameter Missing'}}

What input parameter am I missing here? I've included every parameter listed here: