Evaluating - UAC stopped input

Evaluating - UAC stopped input

I am evaluating Zoho Assist and did a test with a laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium. I right clicked computer and attempted to open the Manage option from the Technicians window.

The PC I was testing from is at the Default setting for Windows 7 - Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer.

From the support technicians end I could see the Computer Management window but at that point lost all ability to interact with the session - it would accept no further input. On closing that window on the users side I could then again input into the session from the technicians side.

I'm willing to try to work these things out but not a good experience at all when it basically fails to allow me basic support access on the very first test. In corporate environment (not my decision) a lot of customers have opted to apply via Group Policy automatic elevation for UAC on Windows 7 to keep the "feel" the same as XP. I imagine in this situation the behaviour would be exactly the same and is not at all usable for me. 

I came to the conclusion a while ago with LogMeIn Rescue and it's UAC issues when Windows 7 first released that adjusting the OS settings/reducing security (that is what UAC is and it's important to have it on) because the support software couldn't handle it is wrong. I hope that is not a requirement with this as it is a deal breaker for me - the support software MUST fit any client existing environment.