Exploded or Multi-Level BOM - Best Way to Generate from Inventory?

Exploded or Multi-Level BOM - Best Way to Generate from Inventory?

What would be the best approach for generating multi-level (aka "exploded") BOMs for composite items in Zoho Inventory?

Our final products are composite items that are made from raw materials, labor, and other composite items. The intermediate composite items are also made from raw materials, labor, and in some cases, other composite items.

We need the multi-level BOM, as it helps us back-calculate raw material demand for as sales go up and down.

I'm thinking this would have to be accomplished by some sort of iterative function that would run periodically to update.

Would populating this info in a related list make sense as a natural home? I realize this could probably be done as a Creator app, too, but I'd like as much of the Inventory stuff to live in Inventory as possible.

Any thoughts from the Zoho team or anyone else knowledgable would be appreciated.