Explore the potential of Zobot-Zia Skills integration

Explore the potential of Zobot-Zia Skills integration

Basics first, what is a Zobot?

Zobot is a flexible bot development framework, that will let you build AI assistants that can be deployed to assist visitors hitting your site. Functionalities of the bots can be streamlined based on your business requirements without having to compromise your needs. Zobot is also open for integration with other best bot building platforms.

What are Zia Skills?

Zia skills platform lets you build conversational AI assistants, that are capable of more than just merely answering the visitor chat requests. Zia Skills can be trained to perform operations dynamically, fetch necessary data from SalesIQ and process it to construct contextual answers, and much more. Also, Zia skills can be developed and managed on the platform itself. Thus, you don't have to spend an extra penny out of your pocket.
Why should you integrate Zia Skills with Zobot?

You can build Zia Skills based on your business requirements and deploy them on your site by mapping them to SalesIQ's Zobots. Thus, together they'll act as a powerful AI assistant and provide visitors with next-gen chat experience.

Benefits that you will gain out of Zobot-Zia Skills integration:
  1. Adds value to conversations: Zia Skills are capable of more than just answering visitor questions with the answers that you feed in, it can fetch data from SalesIQ, consolidate it based on the context, and give away a perfect solution based on the logic you script into Zia Skills. For instance, you can script Zia to evaluate the discount percentage that a visitor can avail by fetching their lead score from SalesIQ.
  2. Training Zia Skills is a piece of cake: Zia Skills are Natural Language Processing bots, thus they can be effortlessly trained to understand the context and intent of the visitors and respond appropriately. 
  3. Manages data gathered efficiently: Zia Skills can also be scripted to manage, and push data gathered during a conversation into third-party applications.
  4. Never misses an additional detail: Zia Skills can be trained to identify key information that a visitor gives away during a conversation by using a set of parameters. They can also be trained to gather key information from a context by devising and feeding a simple function to them. Say a visitor gives away the budget of the purchase as well as a brand when Zia had only prompted for a budget, unlike other bots Zia skills will capture the additional detail, save it and use it wisely when scripted right. 
  5. Can gather inputs using stylised widgets: Like all other bot integrations that we've established, Zia Skills can also put up attractive widgets to gather input from visitors during a conversation. So you can say a big 'No' to boring conversations.
  6. Personalized responses: Dynamic rich responses are another plus of Zia skills. You can script Zia skills responses with dynamic placeholders and Zia skills will make the conversations with your visitors more personalized and non-robotic! For instance, say your website has visitors from all over the world. When two visitors from two different time zones visit your site, Zia skills can greet them right based on the time in their region. All that it takes is just - Good %smart.timenow%.
Here's a quick video on how to configure Zobot-Zia Skills integration- 
