Extension Series #03: Attach files from cloud storage in Orchestly

Extension Series #03: Attach files from cloud storage in Orchestly

Gone are the days when we were restricted to accessing data only from the local device it is stored in, like external hard drives, flash drives, and CDs. Given the changing world around us, it is more reliable to use cloud storage, which is secure and easy to access from any device, without the need to look for places to store data. It is more flexible than traditional storage.


This is where extensions like  Google Drive or  Dropbox can help access your business documents and attach them to Orchestly directly. 

Some scenarios in which you can employ cloud services in Orchestly:

You do not have to stick to your desks any longer to attach business documents in Orchestly. Cloud services have become the new normal as today’s businesses awake to a new world of remote work. 


If you have some unique ways of using these cloud services in Orchestly, we would love to hear about it in the comments.


Watch this space for our next series on extensions.


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