Extension Series #06: Developer tool and team communication tool for Orchestly

Extension Series #06: Developer tool and team communication tool for Orchestly


After a brief discussion on extensions for Orchestly in this series, we have two other extensions for you -  Slack , a team communication tool and  Property Tweaker , a data storage extension for Orchestly.


What makes Property Tweaker different from other extensions?


Property Tweaker is an extension built for the developer community in an organization. This extension helps developers store entity properties using a name and value without wasting time finding the right code files, and then storing data. It is quick and simple to store data in entities, right from the UI.

And to top this, the data stays in Orchestly even if Property Tweaker is uninstalled unlike other extensions.

For example, you can  add the contact numbers of all your clients to your campaign mailing list (data available in  Harvest ) using the Property Tweaker extension by providing an entity name and value. You can similarly store other data important to your business, using this extension.


How can Slack help you perform tasks in Orchestly?


Slack helps you communicate with your team members and keep your team informed on all  updates by posting comments as messages in  Slack channels. Once, you have commented on a job, you can choose the Slack channel in which you want to add the comment as a message.

This extension helps you send messages to a group quickly than drafting emails and sending it to them. You can also take quick business decisions and announce them right away in Orchestly. 



If you have unique ways of using these extensions, we would love to hear about them in the comments section.


Visit our  help center to get detailed insights into Orchestly’s features. Developers could also benefit from our  API and  Extension Development guides .