Extracting Data from Webhook

Extracting Data from Webhook


I'm extracting Data from a Webhook in Zoho Flow and it is coming in the following format:

	"webhookTrigger": {
		"headers": {
			"content_type": "application/json",
			"host": "flow.zoho.in:443",
			"connection": "close",
			"content_length": 474,
			"accept": "application/json"
		"payload": {
			"instanceId": 311610,
			"messages": [
					"chatId": "919814999991@c.us",
					"messageNumber": 50297,
					"author": "919814888881@c.us",
"ack": 1, "chatName": "Sushant", "fromMe": true, "body": "Lead000001 nextcall 60", "type": "chat", "senderName": "Nirmal", "self": 0, "id": "true_919814999991@c.us_0757B02CBE43EF4797D23D222E64FD87", "time": 1628072466, "isForwarded": 0 } ] } } }

I need to extract the body and the chatId.
I created a variable "received_message" and linked it to ${webhookTrigger.payload.messages}
But the thing is, it attains a text value as the messages contains square brackets [ ]
How do I extract the data in body and chatId?

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