Feature Request for SalesIQ

Feature Request for SalesIQ

We are absolutely in love with Sales IQ so far.  We are in a trial period and I have already been able to generate two sales leads from customers visiting our website while I was playing with the interface.  Through using it however I encountered one area I would like to suggest a feature for.

I have been initiating the chat contact myself if people have been on the website for more than 30 minutes or an hour.  Two of the people who I initiated chat with did not respond, but rather called directly into the office!  This was great for seeing immediate response, but the problem is since they didn't reply in chat - there is currently no way for me to update the SalesIQ record in Visitor History - so even though I know who the visitor is, have captured their info over the phone manually, and am ready to create a Lead - there is no way to do it.

I'd love to request the ability to take an unidentified visitor record in SalesIQ visitor history and have the option in that record to fill out their details and convert them to Contact or Lead.

I can go into CRM and do the manual Contact creation there - but when you scroll down to SalesIQ there is of course no history there, and no way to tie in an existing SalesIQ visitor record.

Either a way to take a Contact in CRM and tie it to the SalesIQ visitor record that you have identified, or from within the SalesIQ visitor record a way to convert that into a Contact.