Filtering an Analytics report when embedding it into Creator

Filtering an Analytics report when embedding it into Creator

I have a Creator app where organisations can track their projects for groups of young people.  I want to report back to each organisation a nice set of stats about the impact of their projects and the young people's demographics, so I have created a dashboard in Zoho Analytics, and I have embedded it into a Zoho Creator page.

But this doesn't work, because the end users don't have a login to Zoho Analytics so I can't use the inbuilt Analytics user-based filters, and I need to filter the Analytics report to the relevant data from inside Creator.

I have a Creator function called thisapp.GetMyProjects so I can provide the list of projects to include, but I don't know how to use that in a way that Analytics can interpret.  Does anyone know how I set up Creator filters for an embedded report please? 

Or is there a better way to do this?  Inbuilt Creator reports aren't pretty enough for what I need!