First Feedback for Zoho Inventory - Suggestions & Issues

First Feedback for Zoho Inventory - Suggestions & Issues

Dear Zoho Inventory Team,

We had an in-depth look at Zoho Inventory. The ability to have multiple attributes for each "Product Item" is perfect. However we have some feedback. Hope you'll evaluate our feedback to improve the product.

1- Managing & Tracking Item Costs for each Sales Order

We understand in the current setup of Z Inventory,we are able to keep track of "Item Costs" with "Purchase Order" documents. 
However many of our prospects are "Trading" companies who sells goods based on "Project" basis. That means, they do very fast trading and they need to keep track of their "Item Costs" in each "Sales Order" for each "Sales Order Line Item". This is needed to keep track of "Sales Order Profitability" for each project and for the products inside that project or order. 

There should be some functionality to key in "Item Cost" for each Sales Order - Line Item? 

2. Ability to `Add` custom fields to `Sales Order - Line Items` ( Also "Purchase Order - Line Items", "Inventory Line Items" too ). Historically, one very important feature missing in Z CRM is the ability to add Custom Fields to Sales Order Line Items. Personally I can share that we had lost at least 3 or 4 Z CRM deals only due to the lack of this functionality. We hoped we will be having that important functionality in Z Inventory. I am really disappointed not to see that.

In many customer scenarios, customers need to keep track of several things with "Sales Order Line Items". This can be "Product Serial Number" or some specific options for shipping, handling, etc.

Our suggestion is :
- Users should be able to add Custom Fields in the Sales Order Line Item module
- For each "Line Item" in the Sales Order, users should be able to fill those custom fields with whatever values they wish.
- We also need the ability to use these additional "Line Item" fields inside "Document Templates".
- These fields should also be available for "Reporting" purposes too

3. Zoho Inventory "Font" does not support Turkish characters properly.

When we use special turkish characters such as :   ğĞşŞ these characters are shown bigger and this really look ugly.
Suggestion : Please select a Font which supports international characters properly.

Please find attached the screenshot. 

4. The "Purchases" link related with an Item does not show "Unit Price" and "Quantity"

Currently, the  "Purchases" link related with an Item only shows "Amount" which is surely not enough. ( The same is valid also for the "Product Purchase Report" )

     A. : We should be able to see : 
                - Unit Price, Quantity   for each Purchase. ( The same is valid also for the "Product Purchase Report" )
     B. Moreover, for "Product Costing" purposes. We should have a general summary information which calculates "Overall Item Cost". This should be calculated with "Weighted Average" cost calculation.

     Example : 
          PO1  - Item X  is purchased  with Quantity = 5, Item Cost = 10$
          PO2 - Item X is purchased with Quantity = 12, Item Cost = 11$
          Average Cost of X is :  ( ( 5 * 10 ) + ( 12* 11 ) ) / ( 5+12)
          Users should be able to see this "Average Cost" in a Summary Window. The system should be able to manage this cost cumulatively. 

5. Sync of Z Inventory Data to Z Reports
The Z CRM advanced Analytics Add-On and integration with Z Reports is a very important functionality. We expect the same Sync  between Z Inventory and Z Reports. It will be very important to create "Complex" reports that link "Z CRM" data to "Z Inventory" and other custom data Customer has. This will make the overall Z CRM + Inventory bundle really really strong!

6. Ability to Customize "PDF"s for Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Packing Lists, etc.?
We should have the ability to customize templates and ability to add more than 1 template for each modules. Will we have this? 

7. Ability to Create "HTML" output for for Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Packing Lists, etc.? 
In Zoho CRM we have the ability to "Print" "HTML" output for documents. Why not have this as an option in Z Inventory too?