Format "My Area" posts like "Community" posts -- or at least provide a link

Format "My Area" posts like "Community" posts -- or at least provide a link

When I create a post in any Community forum, I get email updates that direct me to the post in "My Area." Also, of course, going to My Area is the fastest way to find things I've posted before.

But the posts in My Area leave a lot to be desired, because for some reason they're completely different than how they appear in the Community forums:
  1. The posts in My Area display comments in reverse-chronological order, which is confusing if there have been several comments since you last viewed it.
  2. The posts in My Area don't display the full comments, if they're beyond a certain limit.
  3. The posts in My Area don't display the full original post, if it's beyond a certain limit.
  4. The posts in My Area break all inline images, as noted here -- -- which means sometimes comments with actual solutions are basically unintelligible.
  5. The posts in My Area can't be shared with other users on our team, unless they also log into the same help center account, because the URL isn't public. Community posts have a public URL.
Frankly I don't find any utility in My Area, and always try to find my posts as they're displayed in the Community. But there's no link from My Area to the post in the Community forums, so I have to copy the title, open a new tab, go to the forums, and search for it, which is a drag.

If you don't have plans to fix the above issues with posts in My Area, could you at the very least provide a link to the corresponding version of the post in Community?
