FR: Ability to add a per-user attribution to all outgoing messages

FR: Ability to add a per-user attribution to all outgoing messages

I would like outgoing messages to automatically include the person's initials (or first name, or whatever I have set for them) for whoever sent the reply.

This could be implemented by having a per-user "attribution" that can only be edited via someone with "admin" permissions, and then another option that can be enabled for each inbox that says "Add per-user attribution at end of outgoing messages".

The way I see this working would be:

1) remove any blank lines that might be present at the end of the composed message
2) and one blank line
3) insert the user-specific attribution for the user composing the reply

So if the user typed a reply that ended with:

Hope that helps!

(where the "." represent blank lines) and the per-user attribution was set to, "—XY" for this user, the system would add:

Hope that helps!

(This would come before any signature.)

Hope this makes sense.