Free webinar: Digital signatures for digital-first businesses in 2024

Free webinar: Digital signatures for digital-first businesses in 2024

Hi all,

With paperwork increasingly growing paperless, new challenges have emerged in using technologies like digital signatures. This raises questions like:
  • How do we verify a signer's identity and authenticate access to documents? 
  • How do we expand Zoho Sign's digital signature utility across various verticals within the same organization, but without losing existing data? 
  • How do we ensure electronic signatures across global vernaculars are recognized?
These have pushed Zoho Sign to imagine what digital signatures can provide apart from paperless signing. If you wish to expand Zoho Sign's usability in your organization and explore the wide range of features and functionalities we have in store this year, join us for our upcoming free webinar!

  • Setting up your Zoho Sign account
  • Signing documents yourself and collecting signatures
  • Tracking and managing documents
  • Advanced features: templates, SignForms, bulk send
  • Zoho Sign across verticals
  • Q&A
When: Thursday, January 18, 2024

                                  Register now                                 Register now                                  Register now      
                                 10-11 AM IST                              10-11 AM GMT                             10-11 AM PST

Looking forward to your participation!


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