From Email Address When Replaying to Missed Chats

From Email Address When Replaying to Missed Chats

One of the most common things we do is follow up on every missed chat. 

Missed chats are like money in the bank, people just waiting for your response and to start a relationship with our companies.

However, SalesIQ only lets you respond from 1 email address from your entire account?!

We have happily paid for 4 subscriptions, but our users cannot reply from their own email address?  How are we supposed to build customer relationships?

The fix to this issue is so simple, just load in the logged in user's email into the from address when replying to a missed chat.  Forget about the "from email" in the settings area, or let us pass a value like "" into the setting.

Zoho, please help us build great customer relationships by giving customers the personal attention they need, that is the point of SalesIQ, after all, isn't it?