Google Chekout refusing to pay me

Google Chekout refusing to pay me

I don't know if there is a solution to this one. I have a Google Checkout link on my invoices and for the first time a client used it recently.

But Google have got really obstructive with me. I cannot get them to give me the money. Eventually I received an explanation which was that the Google Checkout description did not contain a detailed description of the services / goods sold. I asked what I could do about this and I received the message below.

The problem is that with Zoho, I don't think I can influence the description of the things sold. There is a description in the invoice I produce, but I don't think that detail gets passed over to the Google Checkout system when the customer clicks on the link so, to Google Checkout, it looks like request for payment with no detail.

Unless I am missing something - in which case please advise me what I must alter - I strongly advise others to remove Google Checkout links from Zoho invoices - Google may apparently just keep the money and there's nothing you can do about it.

Thank you for your email.

Please reply to this email with the detailed and accurate description of
the order #************

Also note, ensure that all future orders and email invoices
processed through the Google Checkout Merchant Centre include accurate

descriptions to avoid suspension.

For general product or account questions, please review our Help Centre at Alternatively, please
do not hesitate to contact me by replying to this email.

cc. Google Checkout:

order #124843829279158

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