google maps

google maps

I'm a new user to zoho, I'm having some issues working out how to get my addresses to show as a placemarker in googlemaps (my address is formatted as 1 field is the number of the house, 1 field is the address and 1 field is the surburb).
I have seen this in the forum - but where do I enter this info?  Do I have to create a new HTML view?  if someone could please walk me thru where I type this code and get it to work, that would be much appreciated.
Will this code pull in other fields info?  (such so info that I want to show up in the google map)
Function for generating authoization header
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  1. string googlemap.getGoogleAuthToken(string email, string passwd, string GoogleService)
  2. {
  3.     accountType = "HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE";
  4.     url = "" + accountType + "&Email=" + email + "&Passwd=" + passwd + "&service=" + input.GoogleService;  // Check GDATA API for service codes
  5.     response = getUrl(url);
  6.     authToken = response.getSuffix("Auth=").trim();  // Store this Authorization for subsequent request
  7.     return authToken;
  8. }
Function to retrive the latitude and langitude for address (Geocoding requests).
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  1. map googlemap.getLatitudeAndLangitudeMap(string address)
  2. {
  3.     latandlngXml = getUrl("" + input.address + "&sensor=true");  // Retriving xml containing latitude and langitude xml
  4.     latitude = latandlngXml.executeXPath("/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lat/text()");
  5.     langitude = latandlngXml.executeXPath("/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lng/text()");
  6.     return { "latitude" : latitude, "langitude" : langitude};
  7. }
Function for adding PlaceMarks to GoogleMap.
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  1. void googlemap.createMapAndAddPlaceMark(string mapName, string placeTitle, string address)
  2. {
  3.     GoogleAuthToken = thisapp.googlemap.getGoogleAuthToken("", "yyy", "local");
  4. //HeaderParams included
  5.     headerMap = { "Authorization" : "GoogleLogin auth=\"" + GoogleAuthToken + "\"", "Content-Type" : "text/csv", "Slug" : input.mapName };

  6.     latAndLanMap = thisapp.googlemap.getLatitudeAndLangitudeMap(address);
  7.     latitude = latAndLanMap.get("latitude");
  8.     langitude = latAndLanMap.get("langitude");
  9. //CSVMap Data Generating
  10.     title = input.placeTitle;
  11.     placeDesc = (input.address).replaceAll(","," ");
  12.     csvMapData = "name,latitude,longitude,description\n" + title + "," + latitude + "," + langitude + "," + placeDesc;
  13. //Adding GoogleMap into MyMaps to the AuthenticatedUser.
  14.     result = postUrl("", csvMapData, headerMap,false);
  15.     info result.get("responseText");
  16.     info result.get("responseCode");
  17. }