Grouping notes

Grouping notes

Hi Zoho Notebook team,

I am using Notebook mostly in a browser (Mozilla, latest version) to clip newspaper articles from the web. I have encountered an issue with grouping these articles. When I drag and drop one note onto a stack of other notes to group them, the browser reloads and an error page saying "server not found" appears. If I then go back to the previous page all my recent changes (i.e. the drag and drop but also changes I have made to names of notes etc) have disappeared. This happens eight out of ten times and is really frustrating. Could you please have a look into this issue?

Three more bits of feedback:

I have noticed that it is only possible to create and name groups once you have stacked at least two notes. It would be great if it was possible to create groups (or rather folders) and name them independent of whether or not there are any notes in them.

I have tried to open groups of notes in the Android app, but what happens mostly is that I just open the note that is on the top of the group stack. The rest of the notes in that group therefore remain invisible and out of reach.

I have also installed the clipper tool for Mozilla on Android.It appears as an option in the settings but nothing happens when I select it. Again, that's pretty frustrating.

Thanks a lot in advance


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