Hard to use Zoho Desk app for iOS

Hard to use Zoho Desk app for iOS

We often communicate with colleagues about tickets from clients.
We use Slack as chat. In chat we refer to tickes using links to tickets (this is obvious).

The link looks like this https://support.marketmixer.net/support/marketmixer/ShowHomePage.do#Cases/dv/c29ebf16fdf488af46583ee14320f40a0b498ee34174141d
It is easilly opened on my desktop.

Also you developed beautiful apps for iOS that I installed.

My question is how do you expect we should use your mobile app if I received the above link form my colleagues?
It is quite a pain to open this ticked in the app becuase I have to get autorised in the webapp, click again on the link, read the ticket number, remember it, open theios app, go to search and only then I am done.

I see lios app quie useless in this regard.

And you? What is your plan about it?
